Thursday, 3 June 2010

I'm back to my old hateful self just for you! oh, and requested by FRANN

Well either I'm making a sweeping assumption here or I read your mind and I'm saying that that there picture courtesy of (go there, it's pretty sweet) is no standard to mark of the end of the blog. I plan to make the rest of my life rather eventful and therefore keep it alive. No, it's a celebratory mark of the end of compulsary education! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! If we so chose, it would be civil freedom for us. We're young adults and after finally getting through what we would deem "all the boring pointless crap we had to learn for eleven years", we're deemed fit to face life by the people in the fancy business suits and rubbish ties they've probably had for years.

Okay, so maybe it wasn't all boring pointless crap. Years 1 to 3 were good, learning how to spell, double digit maths problems with mostly pluses and minuses (before that algebra bull**** came along) and how while it nice to be great, it's great to be nice (whatever that means, man, that's so deep even I can hardly grasp it's meaning) but everything else from Year 4 was just downhill from there. Somewhere down the line the hormones kick in and education is suddenly de-prioritised somewhat. Unless it's an exam. Gosh damn, doesn't it suck that they've crafted a way of making us learn that gets in the way of our social life! Why, to go forth and procreate to make genetically powerful offspring is our very purpose in life! And this powerful ***hole piece of paper comes along that we have to do right, or we are considered useless to hold down a job!

Now what is the point of these things? Can they not just add up our coursework over the year and say "Yep, good job over all Insert Name Here, we'll leave it at that. And uh... Insert Name Here? ......Good luck out there. Go get em." *powerful heartening outro music*

Wouldn't that be so much better? Instead they have to do this "Muckup McDumbass, I am most displeased with your choice not to co-operate with our methods of educating you in things you have total disinterest in! You are a manifestation of entropy and disorder to all the other perfectly intelligent life in my classroom, even the class cactus! Rather than throw you out with the rest of the trash like a normal person though, I'm going to give you one final unnecessary chance! You can do the exam, but if I see anthing lower than a U then you're history!" And surprise surprise, Muckup takes this one chance and scrapes through a very easy final chance to "redeem" himself. He then goes out and starts a reasonably successful burger-flipping joint. Out in the same wide world where we go when we pass our dumb exams. (wow lotta w-words here, Wallace.)

So with this system we're never free from having idiots in our life! What they should do is "Muckup, you're just that. A muckup. You've achieved nothing in your first two weeks at school and I'm thinking is this right for you?" "Ugh, uhflurghl can't be arsed sir this is gay an stupd." "Well, if you don't care about your future then I don't see it right that we should force you into it. Go on. Get outta here. See how long you can last out there. And uh... Muckup? ......Don't come crying to me when it all comes down on your head like a ton of bricks." *Oh, now go! Walk out the door! Just turn around now! Your not welcome anymore!* *OH SNAP* And the world, is a better place.


Hey, don't hate the player man, hate the game! (Not that I know what significance this has on my previous statement, but hey, you don't have to know that I have no idea what I'm talking about he--S***.) You'll have to forgive the HATIN', I was having a rather amusing conversation with a certain someone discontent with the ways of the world and I reverted to my old self, a hateful sunovagun who wanted to kill all stupid people and rule the universe.

I know right?


Now that I think of it, I guess for most of you viewers here (though I could be generalising here) this is no longer an issue, what with school being OVER and all that. But still, if only things could be different...

On that note, with compulary education gradually inching out of our lives (what with exams to finish and crap) we can get on with them in pleasant ways such as partying all night! Admittedly, I get tired awful quickly of it (three nights out in one week, whew!) but, hey, first-timer here, cut me some slack. I wasn't into that much before and it's hard to get into these things with a late start. I was quiet and suppressed back then. But now look at me! I have become something much greater than that now! And I LOVE IT!! *looses a mighty roar from the mountaintop and thunderstorms rage all around* Don't worry about your goats, folks. I'm pretty sure they're a hardly lot, with lightning-protardent fleece. Like you guys! Not that I mean to say that you're goats, but you Norfolk guys are like super strong! You could get violated by a car and shrug it off and come in fine the next day, seriously!

That's what I admire about you. That's why it's great to be with somebody. You guys are awesome! That's exactly why I plan to spend more time not under my roof, because while it's a nice roof, I can't see the open sky, and the sky's the limit! This is starting to sound pretty corny, but it feels good that the crap is sliding back into the darkness and the high life comes ever closer. That's what it's about!

Glad I seem to be back into blogging again. This turned out to be one hell of a post! Not like that weedy post down there! Look at it! Well, have to give myself credit for trying to keep it alive. Looks like I'm back into it now!

Well, I should probably go and rehydrate my vital systems. Been nice blogging to you all! Now, back to Starcraft.