Monday, 14 December 2009

Hello, Internet!

Welcome to my blog, feeble mortals! Now you are in MY realm and you are at my complete mercy! Mwahahahahaha!

On second thought, make yourselves at home. Those of you who show interest in my occasional day-to-day rantings about whatever I can rant about (you strange chaps) can view my vast digital inscriptions of rage-fuelled logical scrutiny here, since Facebook posts usually don't last long on the News Feed without being pushed down to page 50 under the oceans of "lol jedward", "OMG my weekend was so fun" and "Tarnation! I stubbed yonder little toenail against the savagery of my bathroom wall" comments about nothing in particular (no offence...) and so on and so forth till the end of eternity.

I'll also be posting some boredom-induced DrawPlus 8 Animations and other things, you know, whenever I feel the need that "oh good golly wowsers Ben this is the greatest thing in all of greatdom! You must show this to your pals on yonder Interweb and share the amusement for all to see!".

Now it's past my bedtime and I need to be sleeping right now. Just come here occasionally and witness the power of my eccentric ponderings herein. I'll most likely post updates on FasheBouk. Until then, Merry Almost Christmas and to all a good nights rest with which to be ready for those God damn Mock Exams!

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