Thursday, 31 December 2009

On the brink of the New Year. Last post of '09!

Well, this is it. It's that time of year when the Earth completes another orbit around the Sun that we like to celebrate for some queer reason. I guess it's a time to look back at all the things that have happened over the year and think about how to better ourselves for the new year, making a fresh start.

365 days is a long, LONG time, possibly too long for me to remember every single thing I've achieved and lost, even with my memory of half a super-computer (my brother's being the other half), but I know I've still accomplished great things this year.

I've had a near-death experience (or at least an OH JESUS I'M FCKED experience) in a back garden swimming pool, I've pryed my flabby ass off the computers in F4 and started talking to people in school (although that ginger dude wasn't making it very easy) I've lost 11lbs since last year according to Wii Fit, I was verbally raped by a slavering retard minion summoned from the 9th circle of Hell to ask me which came first out of the egg and the chicken, and I watched as Miss Cox had a nervous breakdown when I told her that I didn't give half a barbecued camel foot about what I got for my Art exam grade and wanted to do what I wanted, rather than being ordered around by her and being forced to do my final piece TWICE because I hadn't "done a good smoke effect" or whatever her excuse was. Ah, it's been one hell of a 365-day planetary cycle. (That means year for those of you who don't speak technobabble.)

So, what's on the Awesome agenda for next year? Well, same old really. Lose some weight, get good grades, talk to people more, maybe get a girlfriend, and punch "Josh" in his stupid dumb face for setting that hellish maniac on me who I addressed in the last paragraph, among the rest of his legion of mindless Year 7-9 minions. Yeah, that sounds about right.

Ah, another thing to look to the future for is the release of some new vidjeo games! For 2010, StarCraft II after its half-year delay, and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 for Aaron and his crazy PS3 (crazily expensive, that is). I bet a whole bunch more of cool stuff is going to hit us next year, like Bioshock 2 and the like.

And for anyone else, I wish the best that the Fates can bring you for next year. Have a good New Year's Party, and don't get too boozed up and hurt yourself! It's so humiliating.

As for me, there's a Creme Egg sitting on my desk that is about to be imminently devoured. Oops, I already ate it. Way to kill the joke, Me.

Whatever, I'll just pretend I didn't and I'll just eat it again.

Here's to the new year! OM NOM NOM NOM


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