Think about it. It's halfway through December, what happens around that time? It's kind of obscure, but I'm sure you're wise enough to stretch your mind outside the OH WAIT A MINUTE IT'S CHRISTMAS. Yes. It is. And we never hear the gawd-dang end of it. The idea of approaching Christmas is constantly hammered into our brains every minute of every day by everything in the universe, ever.
It starts in November, oddly enough, with the convenience stores. Tesco and Morrisons and shiz, putting up decorations for the festive event with their strange out-of-sync-with-reality timing that is only really "convenient" for insane soccer moms with broken clocks in every room of their house. Wait, clocks don't count days and months, do they? Uh, I mean... broken calendars! Yeah! Broken somehow. I dunno. With a soccer ball. Who knows? Who cares? I don't. Moving on.
This is the doomsday marker that officialy slaps you and says "Daaaamn son, Xmas just kicked in, yo! Break yo'selves!" to prepare you for the six Shishmas songs that are then played on the radio NON glompING STOP. Every second or third word of those six songs being "CHRISTMAS!!!!11!11shift" just in case you allegedly forgot your sole brain cell that morning and didn't know what was happening.
Why are we so excited with Christmas? BECAUSE WE GET THINGS. Games, Chocolate, Time Off Sch-uncool. We are naturally all greedy bastards and take on the holiday just for that, throwing in the occasional hymn and religious hoo-hah to try to justify our gift-grabbing choc-scoffing rampage saying "See? This is important for some reason! And to prove it, I can sing some nonsense about Baby Jesus!"
But you know what? It's good to give. And get time off Sch-uncool. And spend time with those you <3. Not everyone takes a half-arsed parasitic approach to Christmas, it's a genuinely happy time of year despite all the nipple-destroying blizzards, chocolate/alcohol hangovers and having to pay flipping great wodges of dosh for all the nifty stuff at the end of it. It's best not to dwell on the annoying Chrostmos pop culture and all the horrible shiz I just mentioned, it's a great holiday. The thing is you can't get through it without hearing the word a few hundred times. I myself usually never recognise important pieces of information unless I write it down or I do more than just let it be talked at me mindlessly, but when it's repeatedly pounded into my head every day up till the 25th, it's annoying. What happens after the 25th?
After the 215,343,467,452th mentioning of how it's Christmas, you get your presents and have thrown up from the copious amounts of Celebrations/Roses/Quality Street you've crammed down your cakehole, everyone goes about as normal almost instantly as if it had never happened. It's like if a psychotic maniac jumps at you , backs you into a corner, whacks you on the head with a plastic spoon saying he's going to kill you, and after the fiftieth whack he stops screaming and just says "Well, I'm off." and just leaves me there with a slightly indented forehead from the entire drawer-load of spoon marks he's left in it. That would annoy me very much indeed. I would follow him out of the building, and then I would eat him and destroy him (in no particular order).
What the hell, why did I make a controversial blog post about Christmas that would possibly offend several tens of people or more? I was supposed to destroy that Ebil Fridge thing already! Let's do that very soon.
Friday, 17 December 2010
Monday, 22 November 2010
LIFE. Don't talk to me about life. Go off topic several times instead. k thanks.
You ever listen to that part in the Lion King about the Circle of Life? I think there's some philosphical value in that. (I know, right? In Disney?! WAHT?>!?!") Yep. Life is a circle. Just like the Earth's eternal (or at least for a few billion years) journey around our Sun. There's a Light Side of its orbit with long sunny days and blue skies, even if it's still raining all year round they should at least be there somewhere and that's comforting enough for me. Then there's the Dark Side of doom and gloom, pitch black afternoons, car accidents, and the damn perishing cold that requires three layers of shirts, two pairs of gloves, a log fire, and a year's supply of hot soup just to stave off for a single evening.
I introduce to you The Random Quote From Nowhere. I think of something awesome and just put it in cool quote-majiggies for you to stare at with a face that appears to be a mix of bafflement and pity.
Anyway, Life is STILL a circle. Moving back on topic, Halloween was originally thought up by the Celts that marked the end of the Light Side (Summer) and the beginning of the Dark Side (Crappiness) and the idea was that all the angels and nice things looking after Earth - keeping it as reasonably pleasant as you can get for England - spontaneously buggered off to the celestial bar and left the demons and creatures of the night to take over half of their shift who proceeded to make everything dark and horrible. In the absence of Teh Science, it was a pretty solid idea.
My life is certainly a circle. It's a number of circles in fact. There's a circle for whether moments in my life seem awkward to me or are completely alright. There's a circle for whether I feel like the loneliest guy in the world or someone's there, or I'm fine to just accompany myself through it all. There's a circle for whether I feel like I'm making the right decisions and keeping everything under control, or I need to get a grip on things and not be a dropout. Life's full of ups and downs, and you can guarantee that things never go the same way forever. Things change. It can take an instant or an eternity. But that's Time, a different matter that is strangely similar as well.
The point is that the one thing you can count on with life is that you can never count on it to go your way all the time, or put something good into your lap when you feel like it. But you can take control and force it to when things go astray, and however long it takes, it will be worth it as long as you don't abandon your cause but not go too far either. A balancing act where you can't determine where it's turning other than with your instinct.
Oh dear, I'm getting awfully philosophical. If I'd had a better day at school I would have whipped up something like this instead:
You ever listen to that part in the Lion King about the Circle of Life? I think there's some philosphical value in that. (I know, right? In Disney?! WAHT?>!?!") Yep. Life is a circle. Just like the Earth's eternal (or at least for a few billion years) journey around our Sun. There's a Light Side of its orbit with long sunny days and blue skies, even if it's still raining all year round they should at least be there somewhere and that's comforting enough for me. Then there's the Dark Side of doom and gloom, pitch black afternoons, car accidents, and the damn perishing cold that requires three layers of shirts, two pairs of gloves, a log fire, and a year's supply of hot soup just to stave off for a single evening.
You know what we need? Hot Soup Bottles. Like Hot Water Bottles that went out of fashion in the 1990's that are full of soup, so once you're warmed through and you get hungry you can then eat the soup. That would be so rad.
I introduce to you The Random Quote From Nowhere. I think of something awesome and just put it in cool quote-majiggies for you to stare at with a face that appears to be a mix of bafflement and pity.
Anyway, Life is STILL a circle. Moving back on topic, Halloween was originally thought up by the Celts that marked the end of the Light Side (Summer) and the beginning of the Dark Side (Crappiness) and the idea was that all the angels and nice things looking after Earth - keeping it as reasonably pleasant as you can get for England - spontaneously buggered off to the celestial bar and left the demons and creatures of the night to take over half of their shift who proceeded to make everything dark and horrible. In the absence of Teh Science, it was a pretty solid idea.
Funny how I think that the Ancient Greek, Egyptian and Norse mythologies were freaking awesome, but anything that became a major religion or was established after the Big Bang Theory sounded ridiculous and stupid. Maybe the way I see it, the Vikings had an excuse to make stuff up because Teh Science wasn't invented? Maybe I'm just a judgemental git whom you shouldn't pay any mind. Your choice.
My life is certainly a circle. It's a number of circles in fact. There's a circle for whether moments in my life seem awkward to me or are completely alright. There's a circle for whether I feel like the loneliest guy in the world or someone's there, or I'm fine to just accompany myself through it all. There's a circle for whether I feel like I'm making the right decisions and keeping everything under control, or I need to get a grip on things and not be a dropout. Life's full of ups and downs, and you can guarantee that things never go the same way forever. Things change. It can take an instant or an eternity. But that's Time, a different matter that is strangely similar as well.
The point is that the one thing you can count on with life is that you can never count on it to go your way all the time, or put something good into your lap when you feel like it. But you can take control and force it to when things go astray, and however long it takes, it will be worth it as long as you don't abandon your cause but not go too far either. A balancing act where you can't determine where it's turning other than with your instinct.
Oh dear, I'm getting awfully philosophical. If I'd had a better day at school I would have whipped up something like this instead:
Once upon a time I was walking home from the Emporium of People Who Are Awesome And Stuff when a giant fridge fell out of the sky and landed in front of me. It grew a face and looked at me. It's face looked very angry. "Who are you?" I asked it. "TO WIN THE GAME, YOU MUST DEFEAT ME, TEH EBIL FRIDGE" it said in a cool robot voice. "Oh ok," I said. "But in a second, I have to fly to Canada on my Hoverboard made out of pigeons to get some oranges." "YOU WON'T RUN FROM ME!" It shouted and opened it huge mouth and shot thousands of razor sharp ice cubes at me as I took to the air. It punctured all my pigeons and they deflated and flopped into a sad heap. "I didn't appreciate that!" I shouted as I saw my awesome Vintage Pigeonboard in the state it was. "That's it! I'm taking you to the Big Curry's Store in the Sky, pal!" And I charged my lazer.
Just then it called its buddies to throw me off. They were a Washing Machine and a flying Blender. Using my knowledge of "How to Deal with Evil Appliances", the handy Internet guide for this very specific occasion, I wasn't afraid. The Blender sailed towards me ready to lovingly rearrange my face, but at the last moment I sello-taped my trusty Brick of Justice to my nose which got stuck in the Blender instead. As the Blender sizzled and sparked, spiralling out of control, I launched it into the open door of the Washing Machine with a spectacular kick that would put the entire England football team to shame. The Washing Machine fell apart in an awesome way and Teh Ebil Fridge's minions were defeated.
"DAMN YOU" Teh Ebil Fridge shouted. "NO!" I responded. "Damn YOU! Your stupid metal ass is making me late for my dinner. And it's Spaghetti Bolognase today!!!" I roared. Teh Ebil Fridge was taken aback but readied its next formidable attack.
WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT?!?!?!?!?!? Tune in to the next exciting episode of The Ponderings of Ben Paddock! Which I swear I will make soon.
Sunday, 17 October 2010
I believe I have just written the greatest essay ever
I started on my History essay with no success whatsoever. Instead this was created. This actually made me laugh my ass off, which is extremely hard to do even to myself and I thought it was too good not to show you all. Plus I could do with bringing this blog back to life again.
This is incredibly stupid and immature and an insult to all of creation, and this is my actual sense of humor. It differs so much from your own that you may explode in some way from reading it. Not really, but you have been warned. This is me effectively showing you what I enjoy thinking about. Mispelled words, grammatical train-wrecks and people eating things that would be physically impossible to be eaten. Like the sun. I am serious. The Sun is eaten quite a few times throughout this story. It also contains references to things you may not understand, but this may just make things funnier. I don't know, but if you get some kind of laughing sickness or go insane from reading this, it's not my fault, so there. Because I said so. You may also be offended by this. In which case, don't take it so seriously. I made this thing up as I went along and thought absolutely 0% of the time during it. You have still been warned.
oh god, I can't believe I'm doing this...
by Ben Paddock, 17/10/10
Because he had no choice! The civilian hitler army was too much. They swarmed around him and invaded his personal space and made him feel uncomfortable with their dodgy looking mustaches. The po’ed white trash redneck republican Whitey McCrackerHonkey was threatening to drop 10000 terratons of nuclear weapons on top of his face and so he had to learn kung fu and become one bad dude to save the president which was himself because he is.
I think this is mean and he is supposed to be nice and wield justice and honor and rainbows and fluffy sheep but the damn politics told him that he needed more votes, and to get more votes he needed to be one bad dude. Damn. A politics is never the answer. Violence is slightly tastier. So anyway johnson pulled out his gottam gun and shooted at the north vietnamese for no apparent reason. This made the rednecks go daaaayum son, dat’s sum funkey shiz!!! And they gave him their votes so that Presient Johnson could not get nuclear weapons dropped on his face.
Whitey McCrackerHonkey got mad and rage-pressed the button that summoned seth, that god damn silver surfer impersonator except he was as annoying as the game rather than him in the game if that doesn’t make sense. Seth was a bitch to johnson and beat his ass up a bit and Whitey McCrackerHonkey laughed and said soup. This was freedomese for “f you” and so Johnson got mad and used his powers of a politics to transform into the sun. Whitey McCrackerHonkey died but seth laughed and was like “witness my limitless powah!!!111!!1” But Johnson pressed the power button on his Xbox erasing him from existence forever.
Ben sighed with relief because no longer would he get his ass ruthlessly kicked by that god damn seth. Then he turned the sun into a cheeseburger and ate it. Then everything died and Ben was like “shiz.” So he threw himself into the sun and died. Except the sun wasn’t there and so he ate himself. Wow, what a day he thought to himself and he removed pootis rendering the universe a lie. THE END
There, you've seen it. You're probably insane now or will be avoiding me until the end of the next eternity, but hell, you asked for a new blog post since the end of the Summer holidays, and you've got it. I hope you enjoyed reading it at least a fraction of how I enjoyed writing it. I'll get back to work on the proper version of the essay and make a more serious post in a few weeks time when I have my head around what's been going on and what's worth blogging about. Till next time, my now mentally scarred fanbase. It has been fun.
This is incredibly stupid and immature and an insult to all of creation, and this is my actual sense of humor. It differs so much from your own that you may explode in some way from reading it. Not really, but you have been warned. This is me effectively showing you what I enjoy thinking about. Mispelled words, grammatical train-wrecks and people eating things that would be physically impossible to be eaten. Like the sun. I am serious. The Sun is eaten quite a few times throughout this story. It also contains references to things you may not understand, but this may just make things funnier. I don't know, but if you get some kind of laughing sickness or go insane from reading this, it's not my fault, so there. Because I said so. You may also be offended by this. In which case, don't take it so seriously. I made this thing up as I went along and thought absolutely 0% of the time during it. You have still been warned.
oh god, I can't believe I'm doing this...
by Ben Paddock, 17/10/10
Because he had no choice! The civilian hitler army was too much. They swarmed around him and invaded his personal space and made him feel uncomfortable with their dodgy looking mustaches. The po’ed white trash redneck republican Whitey McCrackerHonkey was threatening to drop 10000 terratons of nuclear weapons on top of his face and so he had to learn kung fu and become one bad dude to save the president which was himself because he is.
I think this is mean and he is supposed to be nice and wield justice and honor and rainbows and fluffy sheep but the damn politics told him that he needed more votes, and to get more votes he needed to be one bad dude. Damn. A politics is never the answer. Violence is slightly tastier. So anyway johnson pulled out his gottam gun and shooted at the north vietnamese for no apparent reason. This made the rednecks go daaaayum son, dat’s sum funkey shiz!!! And they gave him their votes so that Presient Johnson could not get nuclear weapons dropped on his face.
Whitey McCrackerHonkey got mad and rage-pressed the button that summoned seth, that god damn silver surfer impersonator except he was as annoying as the game rather than him in the game if that doesn’t make sense. Seth was a bitch to johnson and beat his ass up a bit and Whitey McCrackerHonkey laughed and said soup. This was freedomese for “f you” and so Johnson got mad and used his powers of a politics to transform into the sun. Whitey McCrackerHonkey died but seth laughed and was like “witness my limitless powah!!!111!!1” But Johnson pressed the power button on his Xbox erasing him from existence forever.
Ben sighed with relief because no longer would he get his ass ruthlessly kicked by that god damn seth. Then he turned the sun into a cheeseburger and ate it. Then everything died and Ben was like “shiz.” So he threw himself into the sun and died. Except the sun wasn’t there and so he ate himself. Wow, what a day he thought to himself and he removed pootis rendering the universe a lie. THE END
There, you've seen it. You're probably insane now or will be avoiding me until the end of the next eternity, but hell, you asked for a new blog post since the end of the Summer holidays, and you've got it. I hope you enjoyed reading it at least a fraction of how I enjoyed writing it. I'll get back to work on the proper version of the essay and make a more serious post in a few weeks time when I have my head around what's been going on and what's worth blogging about. Till next time, my now mentally scarred fanbase. It has been fun.
Sunday, 15 August 2010
StickKnights coming sooon?!?!? *head asplode*
Yes, you read that right, folks. StickKnights is coming. The reason for this is that I am totally trying to sort my life out right now. On my computer is a HUGE collection of animations. About twenty or thirty files I think, without going to check. They're all just sitting there gathering virtual dust. No good to anybody. So I thought, "I need to get these things finished! Then people might think that I'm a pretty cool guy who makes animations and doesn't afraid of anything!" (<-- obscure Internet joke.)
So that was mainly the reason I created the website that is still in the sidebar and still a bit misaligned. I wanted to start releasing animations. What was my plan? Create an entirely new animated series of about 37 episodes, voice them, put sounds to them, and somehow release them on some kind of regular, maybe bi-weekly basis. It took a while for me to realise that judging from my short attention span and tendency to bugger off and do something lazy and unproductive in the middle of working on something worthwhile, that this might not be 100% possible with my current state of mind.
So, I ask myself, what do I do? I can't create a brand new series out of thin air, putting all this work in in a remarkably short time span and offering it free of charge, it wasn't gonna happen? So what do I do then? I have no long-running series that I have done before that I can offer to my subscribers over a long period of time? There is How To Beat School, which only has two episodes, one of them obviously left unfinished. What can I do? What is there left to do?
This was all a bit much for me and my brain shut itself down from the ensuing bombardment of having too many options, too many things that I had started and promised to everyone that I was going to finish that still screamed to be finished. Well, I thought to myself, this has got to stop. I'm going to put aside everything and work on one thing at a time. Where do I begin? Simple, that "15-second story driven animation" project I started in Year 8 that bloomed into something much, much more. StickKnights.
This has been in little to no-production for three years straight. I'd keep coming back, making an extra 5 seconds of it at a time, and then would go play Bioshock or Team Fortress 2 or whatever I felt like wasting production time on. At times I would stop and think, and I would really want this to be completed so badly, as if someone else in me was urging me to go finish it. Probably my inner "snap self back to reality" mechanism which pushes me back on track every century or so. I say that because usually I would drown it out and ignore it. Another reason that productionwas so slow is that sometimes I would lose a lot of progress on it. I had lost my USB one grim Thursday. The USB eventually came back safely, but the data didn't. The "effort" I put into it was gone and I would have to start all again. This was very demoralizing and halted production even more. A similar loss of data happened just a couple of days ago when DrawPlus decided to screw with me and FORGET everything that I had worked on, despite the fact that I was saving regularly. Fortunately, not as much data was lost this time and DrawPlus seems to be behaving itself. And to be ready, I have two backups on seperate drives. Gah, with all these delays, sometimes I did believe that the release of StickKnights would never come.
But not anymore. I'm not going to create any distractions, nor allow any more mistakes. I AM going to make myself known amongst the masses and start my animating career with the biggest bang, doing what I jokingly thought to be the impossible; finshing that damn animation. You'll see soon enough, I'm certain of it! StickKnights will come soon enough. And I will be very satisfied with getting it out the way, and having all my work pay off.
As for after the release, what then? Well, I guess I could just upload my more recent unfinished animations for public view and maybe, some of the older ones that can make even my brother laugh, which is quite an acheivement for a younger brother. I'll upload them as well. But all in due time. For now, I've got one particular animation to be working on.
PS. Thanks to the guy who I was on Facebook chat with at the moment I got an idea to make this a blog post, you got me talking and BAM! a good idea appeared! So, thanks, Just because you're cool!
PPS. Apologies to subscribers for a lack of content. I'll say now that there will continue to be no new content coming to the site as I focus on StickKnights. Srry bt tht.
So that was mainly the reason I created the website that is still in the sidebar and still a bit misaligned. I wanted to start releasing animations. What was my plan? Create an entirely new animated series of about 37 episodes, voice them, put sounds to them, and somehow release them on some kind of regular, maybe bi-weekly basis. It took a while for me to realise that judging from my short attention span and tendency to bugger off and do something lazy and unproductive in the middle of working on something worthwhile, that this might not be 100% possible with my current state of mind.
So, I ask myself, what do I do? I can't create a brand new series out of thin air, putting all this work in in a remarkably short time span and offering it free of charge, it wasn't gonna happen? So what do I do then? I have no long-running series that I have done before that I can offer to my subscribers over a long period of time? There is How To Beat School, which only has two episodes, one of them obviously left unfinished. What can I do? What is there left to do?
This was all a bit much for me and my brain shut itself down from the ensuing bombardment of having too many options, too many things that I had started and promised to everyone that I was going to finish that still screamed to be finished. Well, I thought to myself, this has got to stop. I'm going to put aside everything and work on one thing at a time. Where do I begin? Simple, that "15-second story driven animation" project I started in Year 8 that bloomed into something much, much more. StickKnights.
This has been in little to no-production for three years straight. I'd keep coming back, making an extra 5 seconds of it at a time, and then would go play Bioshock or Team Fortress 2 or whatever I felt like wasting production time on. At times I would stop and think, and I would really want this to be completed so badly, as if someone else in me was urging me to go finish it. Probably my inner "snap self back to reality" mechanism which pushes me back on track every century or so. I say that because usually I would drown it out and ignore it. Another reason that productionwas so slow is that sometimes I would lose a lot of progress on it. I had lost my USB one grim Thursday. The USB eventually came back safely, but the data didn't. The "effort" I put into it was gone and I would have to start all again. This was very demoralizing and halted production even more. A similar loss of data happened just a couple of days ago when DrawPlus decided to screw with me and FORGET everything that I had worked on, despite the fact that I was saving regularly. Fortunately, not as much data was lost this time and DrawPlus seems to be behaving itself. And to be ready, I have two backups on seperate drives. Gah, with all these delays, sometimes I did believe that the release of StickKnights would never come.
But not anymore. I'm not going to create any distractions, nor allow any more mistakes. I AM going to make myself known amongst the masses and start my animating career with the biggest bang, doing what I jokingly thought to be the impossible; finshing that damn animation. You'll see soon enough, I'm certain of it! StickKnights will come soon enough. And I will be very satisfied with getting it out the way, and having all my work pay off.
As for after the release, what then? Well, I guess I could just upload my more recent unfinished animations for public view and maybe, some of the older ones that can make even my brother laugh, which is quite an acheivement for a younger brother. I'll upload them as well. But all in due time. For now, I've got one particular animation to be working on.
PS. Thanks to the guy who I was on Facebook chat with at the moment I got an idea to make this a blog post, you got me talking and BAM! a good idea appeared! So, thanks, Just because you're cool!
PPS. Apologies to subscribers for a lack of content. I'll say now that there will continue to be no new content coming to the site as I focus on StickKnights. Srry bt tht.
Monday, 12 July 2010
'Bout time.
What happenin' guys? A hell of a lot more than what's happening over here at any rate. But I left that note on Facebook saying that I would update this and by Buddha I will. Now I don't have much to say for this next post, and I'm barely keeping this blog alive at it is, so I'll make it my mission to make my life a tad more eventful in future. As awesome as Borderlands and Team Fortress 2 are, it ain't much to discuss with those nice folks that I'm lucky to see every once in a while.
More to the point, you may noticed that slightly mis-aligned smiley face thingy in the sidebar-majiggy over yonder. ------>
Let me explain; I'm finally gonna get my animating career up onto the interweb! Eventually, anyway. Just click that link and you'll be taken to the subscription page. All you have to do there is enter your name and e-mail address into the box at the bottom and you'll be e-mailed a cool FREE THING: a snippet of a new animation series I'm working on! I hasten to add that this is totally safe and absolutely free. Once you subscribe I'll be sending the full episodes to you directly, meaning that you'll get them before anyone else! (Before they're publicly released)
Like my animations? Lend me your support and subscribe to my page! Not interested? Sign up anyway, damn it! :P
Oh, and a quick note: The episodes won't be released for a while since I'm having a problem using DrawPlus 8, and I can't make things transparent. It's no biggie and I can probably get by without it but I would quite like the thing to work so that I can include cool fade effects and whatnot. Tide yourself over with the free thing and I'll get to work on fixing my DrawPlus and start work on them. Expect new episodes every other day starting from the first release (which I will try to make as soon as possible!) So, quit reading this and go subscribe! ...please.
More to the point, you may noticed that slightly mis-aligned smiley face thingy in the sidebar-majiggy over yonder. ------>
Let me explain; I'm finally gonna get my animating career up onto the interweb! Eventually, anyway. Just click that link and you'll be taken to the subscription page. All you have to do there is enter your name and e-mail address into the box at the bottom and you'll be e-mailed a cool FREE THING: a snippet of a new animation series I'm working on! I hasten to add that this is totally safe and absolutely free. Once you subscribe I'll be sending the full episodes to you directly, meaning that you'll get them before anyone else! (Before they're publicly released)
Like my animations? Lend me your support and subscribe to my page! Not interested? Sign up anyway, damn it! :P
Oh, and a quick note: The episodes won't be released for a while since I'm having a problem using DrawPlus 8, and I can't make things transparent. It's no biggie and I can probably get by without it but I would quite like the thing to work so that I can include cool fade effects and whatnot. Tide yourself over with the free thing and I'll get to work on fixing my DrawPlus and start work on them. Expect new episodes every other day starting from the first release (which I will try to make as soon as possible!) So, quit reading this and go subscribe! ...please.
you like free things don'tcha?
Thursday, 3 June 2010
I'm back to my old hateful self just for you! oh, and requested by FRANN
Well either I'm making a sweeping assumption here or I read your mind and I'm saying that that there picture courtesy of (go there, it's pretty sweet) is no standard to mark of the end of the blog. I plan to make the rest of my life rather eventful and therefore keep it alive. No, it's a celebratory mark of the end of compulsary education! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! If we so chose, it would be civil freedom for us. We're young adults and after finally getting through what we would deem "all the boring pointless crap we had to learn for eleven years", we're deemed fit to face life by the people in the fancy business suits and rubbish ties they've probably had for years.
Okay, so maybe it wasn't all boring pointless crap. Years 1 to 3 were good, learning how to spell, double digit maths problems with mostly pluses and minuses (before that algebra bull**** came along) and how while it nice to be great, it's great to be nice (whatever that means, man, that's so deep even I can hardly grasp it's meaning) but everything else from Year 4 was just downhill from there. Somewhere down the line the hormones kick in and education is suddenly de-prioritised somewhat. Unless it's an exam. Gosh damn, doesn't it suck that they've crafted a way of making us learn that gets in the way of our social life! Why, to go forth and procreate to make genetically powerful offspring is our very purpose in life! And this powerful ***hole piece of paper comes along that we have to do right, or we are considered useless to hold down a job!
Now what is the point of these things? Can they not just add up our coursework over the year and say "Yep, good job over all Insert Name Here, we'll leave it at that. And uh... Insert Name Here? ......Good luck out there. Go get em." *powerful heartening outro music*
Wouldn't that be so much better? Instead they have to do this "Muckup McDumbass, I am most displeased with your choice not to co-operate with our methods of educating you in things you have total disinterest in! You are a manifestation of entropy and disorder to all the other perfectly intelligent life in my classroom, even the class cactus! Rather than throw you out with the rest of the trash like a normal person though, I'm going to give you one final unnecessary chance! You can do the exam, but if I see anthing lower than a U then you're history!" And surprise surprise, Muckup takes this one chance and scrapes through a very easy final chance to "redeem" himself. He then goes out and starts a reasonably successful burger-flipping joint. Out in the same wide world where we go when we pass our dumb exams. (wow lotta w-words here, Wallace.)
So with this system we're never free from having idiots in our life! What they should do is "Muckup, you're just that. A muckup. You've achieved nothing in your first two weeks at school and I'm thinking is this right for you?" "Ugh, uhflurghl can't be arsed sir this is gay an stupd." "Well, if you don't care about your future then I don't see it right that we should force you into it. Go on. Get outta here. See how long you can last out there. And uh... Muckup? ......Don't come crying to me when it all comes down on your head like a ton of bricks." *Oh, now go! Walk out the door! Just turn around now! Your not welcome anymore!* *OH SNAP* And the world, is a better place.
Hey, don't hate the player man, hate the game! (Not that I know what significance this has on my previous statement, but hey, you don't have to know that I have no idea what I'm talking about he--S***.) You'll have to forgive the HATIN', I was having a rather amusing conversation with a certain someone discontent with the ways of the world and I reverted to my old self, a hateful sunovagun who wanted to kill all stupid people and rule the universe.
I know right?
Now that I think of it, I guess for most of you viewers here (though I could be generalising here) this is no longer an issue, what with school being OVER and all that. But still, if only things could be different...
On that note, with compulary education gradually inching out of our lives (what with exams to finish and crap) we can get on with them in pleasant ways such as partying all night! Admittedly, I get tired awful quickly of it (three nights out in one week, whew!) but, hey, first-timer here, cut me some slack. I wasn't into that much before and it's hard to get into these things with a late start. I was quiet and suppressed back then. But now look at me! I have become something much greater than that now! And I LOVE IT!! *looses a mighty roar from the mountaintop and thunderstorms rage all around* Don't worry about your goats, folks. I'm pretty sure they're a hardly lot, with lightning-protardent fleece. Like you guys! Not that I mean to say that you're goats, but you Norfolk guys are like super strong! You could get violated by a car and shrug it off and come in fine the next day, seriously!
That's what I admire about you. That's why it's great to be with somebody. You guys are awesome! That's exactly why I plan to spend more time not under my roof, because while it's a nice roof, I can't see the open sky, and the sky's the limit! This is starting to sound pretty corny, but it feels good that the crap is sliding back into the darkness and the high life comes ever closer. That's what it's about!
Glad I seem to be back into blogging again. This turned out to be one hell of a post! Not like that weedy post down there! Look at it! Well, have to give myself credit for trying to keep it alive. Looks like I'm back into it now!
Well, I should probably go and rehydrate my vital systems. Been nice blogging to you all! Now, back to Starcraft.
Sunday, 16 May 2010
A month and a week gone by. LOLZ. Plus this post is about nothing in particular so there.
*applies a defibriator unit to the Blog*
Blog... can you hear me? Blog, talk to me. Blog? Oh thank god. .............
How did being dead feel like? You know, just so I know the procedure, in case a car comes down Queensway a little too fast one unfortunate school afternoon... Oh never mind, that'll never happen.
After all, there's about two weeks left of the official school term and I don't intend to let my road sense get any sloppier. On that note, exams are coming (D=) and then the prom (=D) which I haven't done much preparing for (D=<) but then official civil freedom for about six weeks (=D) before Sixth Form pulls me back in (D=). Well, everything becomes voluntary after Secondary School so it's my own fault (¬.¬).
On THAT note (for reals this time, I won't stray from the point again I swear), there's a lot of work to be done in not a lot of time. Revision! Something I should be doing right now. But since I'm always trying to be as gentlemanly as possible to everyone (and unfortunately dismally fail at that for some people) I have applied a defib unit to the blog and have decided to give you more meaningless information about myself and very experimental humour whereas I don't even know whether you're laughing at it or not. Because I'm staring at my computer screen, and you're not there with me. It's kind of scary now that I think about it. But anyways DAMN, I STRAYED FROM THE POINT AGAIN. Oh well, if I hadn't said that you probably would have been too interested to notice, so BUGGER.
As you can tell I haven't really been thinking about anything in particular to Blog about. Just, current affairs. Just about nothing has really happened in my life that has crossed the "Interesting Enough To Blog About" border as of yet. Seems border patrol security there has been as water-tight as a mermaid's brassiere. But looks like with revision, exams and the end of year on the approach, that, probably makes it through.
So how's everyone doing with that stuff? As for me, the same applies with that at pretty much everything I might hear you talking about during breaks: "I Haven't An Awful Lot To Relate To On That Subject". Yeah, I've been pretty lazy with revision and prom arrangements, so BUGGER. Hopefully though I'll get my ass in gear at some point and throw enough at these matters to make it count and get some decent grades/social recognition as a splendidly interesting d00d.
Well, sitting here typing gibberish for half an hour won't get me either of those, so I'll call it a day for now. ...What? It's been about 38 days since I posted one of these so cut me some slack, I've gone a bit rusty. Plus with the whole "Not a Lot to Blog About Crisis in Blogtown" crisis in Blogtown, I believe I've done a satisfactory job in terms of typing stuff that is still kind of interesting. And amusting. ....Interestmusing?
Okay, that word is so interestmusing that it just got promoted to the Blog's new 'fficial catchphrase. That's my decision and you can't change it so there. But if you like it the GOOD. Play right into my hands....
Errr, eh? Oh, never mind. Cya.
Blog... can you hear me? Blog, talk to me. Blog? Oh thank god. .............
How did being dead feel like? You know, just so I know the procedure, in case a car comes down Queensway a little too fast one unfortunate school afternoon... Oh never mind, that'll never happen.
After all, there's about two weeks left of the official school term and I don't intend to let my road sense get any sloppier. On that note, exams are coming (D=) and then the prom (=D) which I haven't done much preparing for (D=<) but then official civil freedom for about six weeks (=D) before Sixth Form pulls me back in (D=). Well, everything becomes voluntary after Secondary School so it's my own fault (¬.¬).
On THAT note (for reals this time, I won't stray from the point again I swear), there's a lot of work to be done in not a lot of time. Revision! Something I should be doing right now. But since I'm always trying to be as gentlemanly as possible to everyone (and unfortunately dismally fail at that for some people) I have applied a defib unit to the blog and have decided to give you more meaningless information about myself and very experimental humour whereas I don't even know whether you're laughing at it or not. Because I'm staring at my computer screen, and you're not there with me. It's kind of scary now that I think about it. But anyways DAMN, I STRAYED FROM THE POINT AGAIN. Oh well, if I hadn't said that you probably would have been too interested to notice, so BUGGER.
As you can tell I haven't really been thinking about anything in particular to Blog about. Just, current affairs. Just about nothing has really happened in my life that has crossed the "Interesting Enough To Blog About" border as of yet. Seems border patrol security there has been as water-tight as a mermaid's brassiere. But looks like with revision, exams and the end of year on the approach, that, probably makes it through.
So how's everyone doing with that stuff? As for me, the same applies with that at pretty much everything I might hear you talking about during breaks: "I Haven't An Awful Lot To Relate To On That Subject". Yeah, I've been pretty lazy with revision and prom arrangements, so BUGGER. Hopefully though I'll get my ass in gear at some point and throw enough at these matters to make it count and get some decent grades/social recognition as a splendidly interesting d00d.
Well, sitting here typing gibberish for half an hour won't get me either of those, so I'll call it a day for now. ...What? It's been about 38 days since I posted one of these so cut me some slack, I've gone a bit rusty. Plus with the whole "Not a Lot to Blog About Crisis in Blogtown" crisis in Blogtown, I believe I've done a satisfactory job in terms of typing stuff that is still kind of interesting. And amusting. ....Interestmusing?
Okay, that word is so interestmusing that it just got promoted to the Blog's new 'fficial catchphrase. That's my decision and you can't change it so there. But if you like it the GOOD. Play right into my hands....
Errr, eh? Oh, never mind. Cya.
Friday, 9 April 2010
These are changing times.... (Also, so much for REGULAR posting )
Friends (and other people who seem to read my blog anyway), I have a very srs topic to discuss. So srs that I am using an abbreviation of "serious" that you've probably never heard of. Which is srs. But this is a civilised blog post here, not an IM so never mind, I'll probably not even say that at any other point in this post.
Unfunny irrelevant comments aside, I have spent the last week or so sleeping in my new bedroom. The third bedroom I've been moved into since we moved in. That's right. IN THE SAME HOUSE. Here, I'll DrawPlus you a picture:
Notice how each time I am moved I am further away from my own bathroom. That's the burden of living in a glomping massive house. I understand that it's not exactly on such a scale as Mali children experience, having to walk five miles a day for a drop of moist mud or however bad they have it at the moment, I'm not really one to complain.
I have also spent the last week helping with painting several rooms on that floor. The reason for this is that we want to make it look presentable. If you haven't guessed by now, we're going to sell this mutha.
Now, this doesn't mean I am going to disappear forever. No, that's when we permanently emigrate to Australia in 2012. Aaron will become lonely and eventually (even more) insane and will kill everyone with explosive MG4 rounds, and an assortment of kitchen appliances with the word "tactical" in front of them. That is how the world will end. Take note of this and be sure to invest in an explosive round resistant kevlar vest and something to keep a Tactical Sieve drom killing you somehow.
Okay so maybe that won't happen, but the Australia bit is definitely happening. You can still avail yourself to me for the next two years, providing you're taking sixth form. We'll move in with someone hopefully closer to the school where the window of social interaction is a little more open and a little less stuck. As of now, I'm in the middle of nowhere, a twenty minute car journey from ANYWHERE. Okay, so my Mum can drive me around, but it could still be much easier. And making it easier is what we're going to attempt. Maybe we'll be better off. It's hard to say at this point.
Regarding school, well, this is our last half term you'l be able to see me, so make the most of it, because one day you'll be all like: "Damn, I wish I had invited that Ben dude to more of my parties." Actually that was a lie. As I already explained I'll still be here for two more years. You still can! And I'll try to make an effort to show my face around here a little more often so you have more than a reason to invite me rather than some delusional former belief of mine that "you should feel priveliged that I am here for five minutes so often and if this doesn't make you think of me more than you are all terrible people and I hate the entire infinity of creation, blarharararararaaaag plop". Boy have I come a long way since then.
Unfunny irrelevant comments aside, I have spent the last week or so sleeping in my new bedroom. The third bedroom I've been moved into since we moved in. That's right. IN THE SAME HOUSE. Here, I'll DrawPlus you a picture:
Notice how each time I am moved I am further away from my own bathroom. That's the burden of living in a glomping massive house. I understand that it's not exactly on such a scale as Mali children experience, having to walk five miles a day for a drop of moist mud or however bad they have it at the moment, I'm not really one to complain.
I have also spent the last week helping with painting several rooms on that floor. The reason for this is that we want to make it look presentable. If you haven't guessed by now, we're going to sell this mutha.
Now, this doesn't mean I am going to disappear forever. No, that's when we permanently emigrate to Australia in 2012. Aaron will become lonely and eventually (even more) insane and will kill everyone with explosive MG4 rounds, and an assortment of kitchen appliances with the word "tactical" in front of them. That is how the world will end. Take note of this and be sure to invest in an explosive round resistant kevlar vest and something to keep a Tactical Sieve drom killing you somehow.
Okay so maybe that won't happen, but the Australia bit is definitely happening. You can still avail yourself to me for the next two years, providing you're taking sixth form. We'll move in with someone hopefully closer to the school where the window of social interaction is a little more open and a little less stuck. As of now, I'm in the middle of nowhere, a twenty minute car journey from ANYWHERE. Okay, so my Mum can drive me around, but it could still be much easier. And making it easier is what we're going to attempt. Maybe we'll be better off. It's hard to say at this point.
Regarding school, well, this is our last half term you'l be able to see me, so make the most of it, because one day you'll be all like: "Damn, I wish I had invited that Ben dude to more of my parties." Actually that was a lie. As I already explained I'll still be here for two more years. You still can! And I'll try to make an effort to show my face around here a little more often so you have more than a reason to invite me rather than some delusional former belief of mine that "you should feel priveliged that I am here for five minutes so often and if this doesn't make you think of me more than you are all terrible people and I hate the entire infinity of creation, blarharararararaaaag plop". Boy have I come a long way since then.
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
7th March: Okay, there's the new blog post. Hey, someone made a request for what the next post should be about! I think I'll surprise everyone and make another blog post tomorrow! MWAHAHAHA!
9th March: Oops, I missed it. Well, I'll get it done by the end of the week.
9th-13th March: Can't be arsed.
14th March: I really need to update but I'm still in the state of not being arsed.
17th March: Ok forget it. Time to get my arsed-being back.
Here you go already. So first of all I was expecting all the exciting junk to be happening in about 3 months time, as the prom is. So when I got the letter for the Alton Towers trip and saw that it was so soon, I was like "OH EM GEEZ MAN I DIDN'T EXPECT THAT!!!!;@#-" and proceeded to blast through SAMLearning trying to accumulate 3 hours on each subject I've taken including cores. In the space of five minutes. I didn't get very far. However, the letter basically says "meh whatevs you can go" so it hasn't seemed to have made despite this, then no complaints here! And what a load of good it was in the first place, I might add. It must have been the teachers' latest mad scheme to get us wasting our time in much less resourceful ways than playing on online games at every opportunity we can get.
As for the prom, why have so many people started planning for it? I mean, forward planning is good and all, but two months in advance? Unless CNN has said that a temporal distortion will suddenly flush the rest of March and the whole of April down the cosmic toilet bringing us straight into May, why plan so far ahead? Buuut, who am I to judge? I can hardly plan getting Art coursework done over a single weekend. Not that that bothers me too much. It's all a matter of being arsed, really, am I am terrible at being arsed. You know what else I suck at? NOT SUCKING. :D ...... Wow, I confused everyone for a second there. Felt good.
Last thing: THE WORLD AIN'T GONNA END IN 2012. This is for a number of reasons:
1) 2012 is when I finish 6th form. If the world ends I will have wasted my life. NOT ON MY WATCH. I WOULD TRACK DOWN THIS MYSTERIOUS CAUSE TO THE END OF THE WORLD HEADBUTT IT IN THE FACE. WE'RE ALL SAVED. THE END.
2) Who the hell believes a 9000-year-old or whatever calender that states that the world will end? Okay, so maybe their previous end-of-the-world dates were accurate enough (that's right, they had SEVERAL) but they were only about the fall of the Roman Empire and such things, the world essentially never EXPLODED according to them, unlike in that BOAWSHIZ movie that the same dude who made Independence Day is working on. Nuts to him, I bet he just has a fetish for blowing up American landmarks and makes entire shoddy movies about it. Yeah, I'd headbutt him in the face too. THE END. What a complete waste of money I must add: making a whole movie based on a complete LIE. That's like making a movie about the Abominable Snowman, or the Loch Ness Monster.
Heck, if anything we should be worried about 2015; that's when our old friend 1991AD comes along. Or whatever it's called. You know, the one that zoomed past Earth juring the Japan World Cup that no-one cared about despite it threatened our very exidtence with another Ice Age?........ Ugh, hold on..... *Googles* What the... I can't even find it! God dammit, everyone's too busy watching football and whining about what will apparently happen in 2012 to see the actual danger!
Eh, never mind, there's only a 1/300 chance of collision, so never mind, continue not caring. As will I.
Good night.
7th March: Okay, there's the new blog post. Hey, someone made a request for what the next post should be about! I think I'll surprise everyone and make another blog post tomorrow! MWAHAHAHA!
9th March: Oops, I missed it. Well, I'll get it done by the end of the week.
9th-13th March: Can't be arsed.
14th March: I really need to update but I'm still in the state of not being arsed.
17th March: Ok forget it. Time to get my arsed-being back.
Here you go already. So first of all I was expecting all the exciting junk to be happening in about 3 months time, as the prom is. So when I got the letter for the Alton Towers trip and saw that it was so soon, I was like "OH EM GEEZ MAN I DIDN'T EXPECT THAT!!!!;@#-" and proceeded to blast through SAMLearning trying to accumulate 3 hours on each subject I've taken including cores. In the space of five minutes. I didn't get very far. However, the letter basically says "meh whatevs you can go" so it hasn't seemed to have made despite this, then no complaints here! And what a load of good it was in the first place, I might add. It must have been the teachers' latest mad scheme to get us wasting our time in much less resourceful ways than playing on online games at every opportunity we can get.
As for the prom, why have so many people started planning for it? I mean, forward planning is good and all, but two months in advance? Unless CNN has said that a temporal distortion will suddenly flush the rest of March and the whole of April down the cosmic toilet bringing us straight into May, why plan so far ahead? Buuut, who am I to judge? I can hardly plan getting Art coursework done over a single weekend. Not that that bothers me too much. It's all a matter of being arsed, really, am I am terrible at being arsed. You know what else I suck at? NOT SUCKING. :D ...... Wow, I confused everyone for a second there. Felt good.
Last thing: THE WORLD AIN'T GONNA END IN 2012. This is for a number of reasons:
1) 2012 is when I finish 6th form. If the world ends I will have wasted my life. NOT ON MY WATCH. I WOULD TRACK DOWN THIS MYSTERIOUS CAUSE TO THE END OF THE WORLD HEADBUTT IT IN THE FACE. WE'RE ALL SAVED. THE END.
2) Who the hell believes a 9000-year-old or whatever calender that states that the world will end? Okay, so maybe their previous end-of-the-world dates were accurate enough (that's right, they had SEVERAL) but they were only about the fall of the Roman Empire and such things, the world essentially never EXPLODED according to them, unlike in that BOAWSHIZ movie that the same dude who made Independence Day is working on. Nuts to him, I bet he just has a fetish for blowing up American landmarks and makes entire shoddy movies about it. Yeah, I'd headbutt him in the face too. THE END. What a complete waste of money I must add: making a whole movie based on a complete LIE. That's like making a movie about the Abominable Snowman, or the Loch Ness Monster.
Heck, if anything we should be worried about 2015; that's when our old friend 1991AD comes along. Or whatever it's called. You know, the one that zoomed past Earth juring the Japan World Cup that no-one cared about despite it threatened our very exidtence with another Ice Age?........ Ugh, hold on..... *Googles* What the... I can't even find it! God dammit, everyone's too busy watching football and whining about what will apparently happen in 2012 to see the actual danger!
Eh, never mind, there's only a 1/300 chance of collision, so never mind, continue not caring. As will I.
Good night.
Sunday, 7 March 2010
uwaaaaaah uwaaaah, oh I'm so fat and sad and fat and sad and I can think of fourty reasons why
HAH just kidding Jordy, now get back to your english classwork, Aaron thinks you're VERY IMMATURE >:V
Personal callouts aside, it's about time I got to making a new blog post seeing as so many people have been asking for it and that it's been so long. (probably 21 days, being the second half of February and the first week of March HURR I'm so smart when it comes to irrelevant information! :V)
Okay, first: let's talk about FRIEEEEEEENDSHIIIIIIIIP!!!!!!!! (at this point rainbows pour out of my mouth in a powerful beam incinerating anything that happens to be in my way including a few unfortunate pigeons and the postman) .......Oops, sorry Pat.
Okay, maybe not exactly just friendship, I guess society in general. Stepping into the social limelight out of the blackness of the computer room, there has been a question I pose myself every once in a while (because I love confusing myself about things and pondering for ages, hence the name of the blog) which is: Am I Turning Into a Mindless Conformist? By that I mean, am I turning into a slave of society constantly trying to be as cool as possible by drinking, wasting away on expensive branded clothing and wanting to be as skinny as a toothpick? Gazemaze in gazemazement as I ponder away!
Seriously though, I don't think the need to be 100% conforming with society will ever possess me and destroy me from within because I'm responsible. Heck, I haven't really reached ANY kind of social position where I need to be responsible. All I do is hang around certain people and receive little to no interaction, occasionally pitching in the "What's everyone doing tomorrow?" or "Has anyone played Duke Nukem before?" getting nothing more than a one word answer (two if I'm lucky) or just an awkward look that I can decipher as a negative response. Having not interacted with people for so long, I can understand I'm not exactly greeted like a king, and I have to work my way up the social ladder slowly, hoping for results. And if I try to make it happen hard enough, mabe I'll get it. Until then, no party invites for Ben. :'(
If I ever reach such a stage of society where I regularly go out with friends to the local chippy or what have you (and that would be REALLY awesome) you would beware the restrictions that I have placed on my life: I don't drink beverages of the alcoholic variety. That's right. I like to keep my brain in a usually mint condition and not kill my brain cells (which isn't exactly saying much since I watch Youtube Poops and other breeds of outright retarded junk). Besides, alcohol can mess you up, perhaps not to the degree of drugs like Heroin, Cocaine and Acid, but I like to play it safe. And hey, here's a thought; when I learn how to drive an auto-vehicle and I'm at a party, everyone else can drink because I'd always be the one bearing the oh-so-terrible (for the rest of you) alcohol-free title of Designated Driver! (I hope you're taking notes here party people, there's more benefits to me than meets the eye (man, I sure am typing in brackets a whole lot (I just noticed.)))
Okay, I can't just say "UMG YEW DRENK ALKOHOUL?!?!? WHAI WULD YU DO THAT I MEAN ITS STUPID!!!! BLARALRLARLAR PLOP", because anyway that's just whining about something that's been part of British culture for years. Heck, Mrs Spooner told me that. So I won't make any seething comments or assumptions on what you folks get up to without bringing me along. The point is that I won't take up crack from any old lowlife in a dark alley just to be cool, and I'll have to be using more convoluted and less self-destructive ways of becoming KING OF ALL METAL or whatever.
"Alright Mr Schmansy Fants," I hear you say (except maybe in a more intelligent fashion than that,) "What do you drink?" I drink Diet Coke. It works for me. It rots my teeth, but that's why we invented toothpaste. And there's no toothpaste to cure your hangover. That's that.
Another thing I've noticed is that human nature has a habit of looking at things and saying "I want to do something but it takes effort. I know, I wil INVENT A ROBOT THAT WILL DO IT FOR ME". By this I mean is that we are extremely lazy compared to how we were countless ages ago. As neanderthals, we had to go out and kill something in order to get food (or just eat bushes if we were vegetarian). Now, we have places like Tesco, Morrisons, ASDA, Aldi and countless emporiums to get our food from a cold shelf, rather than bearing its fangs and snarling at us (or being a bush). Okay, so that's a good thing, and I suppose that the whole point of technology is to make life easier for ourselves. But then, there are just some things that never should have come to see the light of day and stayed in the black abyss of mystery it arose from. I am of course talking about DRUGS. (subject change from alcohol to drugs? I can be more creative than that!)
I don't mean stuff like Paracetamol, Cocodamol and Strepsils: those are good drugs, they help us by curing headaches, sore throats and taking some suffering out of our lives until our eventual death. What I'm talking about are EVIL drugs. The drugs of the DARK SIDE. Cocaine, ecstacy, acid, heroin, and cigarretes. What is the point?
These drugs exploit our need to put our confidence in other things rather than ourselves (kind of like religion, except not drugs) and we throw away all hope of achieving anything as a human being for what exactly? To get high.
I have my faith in the power of a single human body: I bet you there is NOTHING we can risk our lives with through the use of other things that we can just as well accomplish with our own power or belief. Did you know that there is a medical technique called a placebo that doctors use to make their patients better just by making them THINK and believe that they're better? Drugs aren't necessary in our lives. The emotions that they cause us to experience is all within us to begin with, and if the people who had fallen into their trap didn't have to. There are much safer natural ways to receive a high, like falling in love or eating chocolate. That's right, chocolate and love gives you a high. Take it from me, I've read books in my time. Strange books, but the writers seem to know what they're on about.
That's all. (Need more jokes in my next post that will definitely be within the next 10-14 days or I will stab myself with a spoon)
HAH just kidding Jordy, now get back to your english classwork, Aaron thinks you're VERY IMMATURE >:V
Personal callouts aside, it's about time I got to making a new blog post seeing as so many people have been asking for it and that it's been so long. (probably 21 days, being the second half of February and the first week of March HURR I'm so smart when it comes to irrelevant information! :V)
Okay, first: let's talk about FRIEEEEEEENDSHIIIIIIIIP!!!!!!!! (at this point rainbows pour out of my mouth in a powerful beam incinerating anything that happens to be in my way including a few unfortunate pigeons and the postman) .......Oops, sorry Pat.
Okay, maybe not exactly just friendship, I guess society in general. Stepping into the social limelight out of the blackness of the computer room, there has been a question I pose myself every once in a while (because I love confusing myself about things and pondering for ages, hence the name of the blog) which is: Am I Turning Into a Mindless Conformist? By that I mean, am I turning into a slave of society constantly trying to be as cool as possible by drinking, wasting away on expensive branded clothing and wanting to be as skinny as a toothpick? Gazemaze in gazemazement as I ponder away!
Seriously though, I don't think the need to be 100% conforming with society will ever possess me and destroy me from within because I'm responsible. Heck, I haven't really reached ANY kind of social position where I need to be responsible. All I do is hang around certain people and receive little to no interaction, occasionally pitching in the "What's everyone doing tomorrow?" or "Has anyone played Duke Nukem before?" getting nothing more than a one word answer (two if I'm lucky) or just an awkward look that I can decipher as a negative response. Having not interacted with people for so long, I can understand I'm not exactly greeted like a king, and I have to work my way up the social ladder slowly, hoping for results. And if I try to make it happen hard enough, mabe I'll get it. Until then, no party invites for Ben. :'(
If I ever reach such a stage of society where I regularly go out with friends to the local chippy or what have you (and that would be REALLY awesome) you would beware the restrictions that I have placed on my life: I don't drink beverages of the alcoholic variety. That's right. I like to keep my brain in a usually mint condition and not kill my brain cells (which isn't exactly saying much since I watch Youtube Poops and other breeds of outright retarded junk). Besides, alcohol can mess you up, perhaps not to the degree of drugs like Heroin, Cocaine and Acid, but I like to play it safe. And hey, here's a thought; when I learn how to drive an auto-vehicle and I'm at a party, everyone else can drink because I'd always be the one bearing the oh-so-terrible (for the rest of you) alcohol-free title of Designated Driver! (I hope you're taking notes here party people, there's more benefits to me than meets the eye (man, I sure am typing in brackets a whole lot (I just noticed.)))
Okay, I can't just say "UMG YEW DRENK ALKOHOUL?!?!? WHAI WULD YU DO THAT I MEAN ITS STUPID!!!! BLARALRLARLAR PLOP", because anyway that's just whining about something that's been part of British culture for years. Heck, Mrs Spooner told me that. So I won't make any seething comments or assumptions on what you folks get up to without bringing me along. The point is that I won't take up crack from any old lowlife in a dark alley just to be cool, and I'll have to be using more convoluted and less self-destructive ways of becoming KING OF ALL METAL or whatever.
"Alright Mr Schmansy Fants," I hear you say (except maybe in a more intelligent fashion than that,) "What do you drink?" I drink Diet Coke. It works for me. It rots my teeth, but that's why we invented toothpaste. And there's no toothpaste to cure your hangover. That's that.
Another thing I've noticed is that human nature has a habit of looking at things and saying "I want to do something but it takes effort. I know, I wil INVENT A ROBOT THAT WILL DO IT FOR ME". By this I mean is that we are extremely lazy compared to how we were countless ages ago. As neanderthals, we had to go out and kill something in order to get food (or just eat bushes if we were vegetarian). Now, we have places like Tesco, Morrisons, ASDA, Aldi and countless emporiums to get our food from a cold shelf, rather than bearing its fangs and snarling at us (or being a bush). Okay, so that's a good thing, and I suppose that the whole point of technology is to make life easier for ourselves. But then, there are just some things that never should have come to see the light of day and stayed in the black abyss of mystery it arose from. I am of course talking about DRUGS. (subject change from alcohol to drugs? I can be more creative than that!)
I don't mean stuff like Paracetamol, Cocodamol and Strepsils: those are good drugs, they help us by curing headaches, sore throats and taking some suffering out of our lives until our eventual death. What I'm talking about are EVIL drugs. The drugs of the DARK SIDE. Cocaine, ecstacy, acid, heroin, and cigarretes. What is the point?
These drugs exploit our need to put our confidence in other things rather than ourselves (kind of like religion, except not drugs) and we throw away all hope of achieving anything as a human being for what exactly? To get high.
I have my faith in the power of a single human body: I bet you there is NOTHING we can risk our lives with through the use of other things that we can just as well accomplish with our own power or belief. Did you know that there is a medical technique called a placebo that doctors use to make their patients better just by making them THINK and believe that they're better? Drugs aren't necessary in our lives. The emotions that they cause us to experience is all within us to begin with, and if the people who had fallen into their trap didn't have to. There are much safer natural ways to receive a high, like falling in love or eating chocolate. That's right, chocolate and love gives you a high. Take it from me, I've read books in my time. Strange books, but the writers seem to know what they're on about.
That's all. (Need more jokes in my next post that will definitely be within the next 10-14 days or I will stab myself with a spoon)
alphabetised tabs rule,
puffer fish
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Oi mates, it's Bin Peddock postin' frum Ostraaaaaleuh! Wei've jast gawt Internet workin at our 'Otel 'Partmint and Oi'm gunna git a powst 'bout Valintoimes Dai!
My God, I never realised how hard it was to type in a convincing Australian accent. I think I'll save myself the embarrassment and type normally now because I really don't think it's worth it. Anyhows, HI. Unlike my last post I actually have a subject to talk about (in fact two) so I should be able to plow through this. Oh but first this.
FUN FACT: I'm about to post this and decided to check the time and it says that it's 7:16 in the evening. I also see that on my brother's computer clock (who he's been to lazy to change to Australian time since we arrived) that for you guys in East Anglia right now the time is apparently about 11:16 am. Woah, does this mean I'm in the future? (I just updated this so that the joke on the next line made sense and I hadn't confused you by having the time about 44 minutes out and given you the time for when I completed and posted this.)
Anyway, you people of the past are probably slightly interested about my journey here. I may be mistaken, but I don't believe I am hated that much to assume that. Perhaps by myself, but not you guys. We arrived in Australia about 1 am on Saturday after three straight days of travelling from Wednesday. The whole travelling process was in about six steps. It went something like this:
1. Get to the taxi that drives you to the train station
2. Get a train at the train station to take you to the underground station
3. Take the underground train thingy at the underground station to ANOTHER TRAIN
Jeez, we're getting on a lot of vehicles here.
4. Take the OTHER TRAIN to the Airport Shuttle to take us to Gatwick Airport
5. Get the gosh-damned plane at Gatwick to fly us NOT to Australia, but to Dubai in Arabia that acts as a mid-point between the UK and Australia for some strange reason
Nearly! Just ten more hours on the Dubai flight!
Look, they gave you food and movies to watch for free!
The food tasted funny, kind of.
Oh, well that's probably you just being racist.
You're racist!
Your mom's a racist!
Oh that is it! Come get some you non-indented little Justin Bieber fanatic!
Oh no you didn't!
*10 hours later*
(Fade in from black. Indented Text is banging Non-Indented Text's head against a desk)
DING! Welcome to Australia finally!
.........Yay! Come on Non-indented Text!
Uugh, my face...
Come on you! The Angels don't wait for slowpokes! La la la la la
Okay, that was off one hell of a tangent. Either way, the journey was long and aggravating and I never got to bang anyone's head against a desk, so it wasn't entertaining either. Well, I watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Wall-E and A Bug's Life which strangely enough was a movie that I watched as a dumb kid about every day for about 6 months that I still remembered hardly anything about. Those movies were good anyway but with a total of 18 hours plane journey with some baby crying and yelling for the whole BOTH plane journeys depriving me of sleep and the rest of my sanity, they didn't EXACTLY make up for it much.
But now I'm here and it's all good now because I never have to do that ever again oh wait a minute CRAPDAMNIT.
Well while we're here, we have a nice hotel room with ham and cereal and crap and a nice view that faces the Indian ocenan that we spent long grueling hours flying over, strangely enough. Our "body clocks" were shot to pieces from two sleepless nights on bloody planes and I ended up going to bed in the early afternoon of about four. The rest of us woke up about midnight to fireworks (that were obviously there to celebrate our arrival, hurr huurrrr) that also helped us because it woke us up so we could stay up a couple hours so that we could go to sleep again and wake up at a more appropriate time.
We've spent the day (that you people of the past have yet to experience o_O) going to a wildlife park to see all of Australia's weird-ass inhabitants such as the Wonga Pigeon, the Imperial Pigeon, the Crested Pigeon, Shut Up About Pigeons Ben, You Don't Want To Alert The Pigeon Boy Cultists By Resurfacing Your Interest In Pigeons, moving swiftly on, The Blue Tounged Lizard, the Pottoro, the Kangaroo, the Wallaby, the Dingo, the Koala, the Peacock, the Peahen, the Emu, the Wombat, the Spotted Quoll, the Casawary, and a multitude of parrots and a whole load of other stuff I can't possibly remember. But we have pictures that will be uploaded on Facebook shortly either on James' or my Facebook wall. Don't expect to see them now until I give the word later.
Oh bugger, this post was supposed to be about Valentine's Day. Let's cut this short since this has been one hell of a post.
Love. What does it mean? I dunno, it could mean a lot of things.
Well that's enough, bye now. GOD DAMMIT I'M JUST TOO LAZY.
My God, I never realised how hard it was to type in a convincing Australian accent. I think I'll save myself the embarrassment and type normally now because I really don't think it's worth it. Anyhows, HI. Unlike my last post I actually have a subject to talk about (in fact two) so I should be able to plow through this. Oh but first this.
FUN FACT: I'm about to post this and decided to check the time and it says that it's 7:16 in the evening. I also see that on my brother's computer clock (who he's been to lazy to change to Australian time since we arrived) that for you guys in East Anglia right now the time is apparently about 11:16 am. Woah, does this mean I'm in the future? (I just updated this so that the joke on the next line made sense and I hadn't confused you by having the time about 44 minutes out and given you the time for when I completed and posted this.)
Anyway, you people of the past are probably slightly interested about my journey here. I may be mistaken, but I don't believe I am hated that much to assume that. Perhaps by myself, but not you guys. We arrived in Australia about 1 am on Saturday after three straight days of travelling from Wednesday. The whole travelling process was in about six steps. It went something like this:
1. Get to the taxi that drives you to the train station
2. Get a train at the train station to take you to the underground station
3. Take the underground train thingy at the underground station to ANOTHER TRAIN
Jeez, we're getting on a lot of vehicles here.
4. Take the OTHER TRAIN to the Airport Shuttle to take us to Gatwick Airport
5. Get the gosh-damned plane at Gatwick to fly us NOT to Australia, but to Dubai in Arabia that acts as a mid-point between the UK and Australia for some strange reason
Nearly! Just ten more hours on the Dubai flight!
Look, they gave you food and movies to watch for free!
The food tasted funny, kind of.
Oh, well that's probably you just being racist.
You're racist!
Your mom's a racist!
Oh that is it! Come get some you non-indented little Justin Bieber fanatic!
Oh no you didn't!
*10 hours later*
(Fade in from black. Indented Text is banging Non-Indented Text's head against a desk)
DING! Welcome to Australia finally!
.........Yay! Come on Non-indented Text!
Uugh, my face...
Come on you! The Angels don't wait for slowpokes! La la la la la
Okay, that was off one hell of a tangent. Either way, the journey was long and aggravating and I never got to bang anyone's head against a desk, so it wasn't entertaining either. Well, I watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Wall-E and A Bug's Life which strangely enough was a movie that I watched as a dumb kid about every day for about 6 months that I still remembered hardly anything about. Those movies were good anyway but with a total of 18 hours plane journey with some baby crying and yelling for the whole BOTH plane journeys depriving me of sleep and the rest of my sanity, they didn't EXACTLY make up for it much.
But now I'm here and it's all good now because I never have to do that ever again oh wait a minute CRAPDAMNIT.
Well while we're here, we have a nice hotel room with ham and cereal and crap and a nice view that faces the Indian ocenan that we spent long grueling hours flying over, strangely enough. Our "body clocks" were shot to pieces from two sleepless nights on bloody planes and I ended up going to bed in the early afternoon of about four. The rest of us woke up about midnight to fireworks (that were obviously there to celebrate our arrival, hurr huurrrr) that also helped us because it woke us up so we could stay up a couple hours so that we could go to sleep again and wake up at a more appropriate time.
We've spent the day (that you people of the past have yet to experience o_O) going to a wildlife park to see all of Australia's weird-ass inhabitants such as the Wonga Pigeon, the Imperial Pigeon, the Crested Pigeon, Shut Up About Pigeons Ben, You Don't Want To Alert The Pigeon Boy Cultists By Resurfacing Your Interest In Pigeons, moving swiftly on, The Blue Tounged Lizard, the Pottoro, the Kangaroo, the Wallaby, the Dingo, the Koala, the Peacock, the Peahen, the Emu, the Wombat, the Spotted Quoll, the Casawary, and a multitude of parrots and a whole load of other stuff I can't possibly remember. But we have pictures that will be uploaded on Facebook shortly either on James' or my Facebook wall. Don't expect to see them now until I give the word later.
Oh bugger, this post was supposed to be about Valentine's Day. Let's cut this short since this has been one hell of a post.
Love. What does it mean? I dunno, it could mean a lot of things.
Well that's enough, bye now. GOD DAMMIT I'M JUST TOO LAZY.
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